Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So um yeah....

Yo what up mi amigos!

So sorry for dropping off the face of the earth! The last four days of my life have been pretty freaking insane. Let’s just say I am now an expert on muscling through airport security, smuggling electronics out of the country, and making an idiot out of myself at wedding receptions. More details later.

For now, you’ll just have to settle with a tasty sampling of fotografias. (I will be taking a lot more as the semester goes on. This week I was way too distracted with the whole “Holy crap I’m in Costa Rica” thing to think about my camera. Sorry.)

First day in Costa Rica! This is my friend Amanda. We met in the currency exchange line in the San Jose airport. Neither of us had any idea what we were doing so we joined forces and paid way too much for a taxi to Dennys. You know the rest of the story. By the 7th coffee refill those poor waiters must have been praying for us to freaking move on with our lives

Soccer in the rain! Or, as Jack Johnson might say, “mud futbol”. (Hahaha…ha….). FYI wet grass is un poquito slippery! I still have gnarly bruises from sliding into my gringo friends every 2 minutes.

I love my little baby room! It might be small, but it is all my own. I haven’t had that experience in a while. Also, there are glow in the dark wolves on the ceiling (como se dice AWESOME!?!) and my comforter has lambs on it. I am officially at home.

Later skaters.

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