Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hoy es hoy, manana es manana.

Some Essential Costa Rican Phrases:

Que Pinche! …….. How cheap!

Me pone como los diablos ……. It pisses me off!

Estar en la luna ……. To be daydreaming

Es por vara ……...For kicks

La dejo el tren ……. She is an old maid

And now for some fotografias. (Oh I know you’re excited!)

El Matrimonio…

Confession: our faces were sprayed on.....and those eyelashes are fake. So much for natural beauty haha

Nothing like Malcolm in the Middle to get you in the mood for a wedding.

I love moms! Looks at those precious little gems! They are so great.

Married! Now they are officially BFF's 4 LYFE! After the wedding they took the next step in their relationship and added each other on Facebook.

Santa Teresa Beach Trip!

We got up at 5 am and then sat at this bus station for two hours. Awesome.


Ticos doin their thang. Ferry style.

I was pretending to take a picture of the scenery (Oops! I guess my camera slipped...). The look on her wizened, time-scarred her face as she stared out the window was just too intriguing.
The beach was kind of cool I guess.

Of Afternoon Jungle Frolics and Giant Water Falls.

A little bit of rain forest wisdom:

Me and mi hermano Helberth. "It's on like Donkey Kong!"
Gotta love camera timers. Oh, and swimming in giant waterfalls.
And some 'shrooms just for funzies:

Monday, September 7, 2009

Dred Locks and Hermit Crabs

Buenos Dias Bloggerland.

I have much to say; too much. For the sake of brevity, I am using numbers to summarize the recent events of my humble little life.

7 Number of takeoffs, landings, complimentary snacks, in-flight movies, and airplane safety demonstrations endured in the past two weeks. If you have any questions about the proper stowage of train tables, you know who to ask. I am currently considering a future as a flight stewardess….might as well make some money since I live on an airplane anyway.

5 Number of waves pursued, caught and successfully ridden via surfboard.

18 Number of embarrassingly heinous surfing wipeouts. The result? 5 new bruises, 2 very red eyes and 1 nasal cavity filled to the brim with tepid saltwater. Mmm mm.

9 Number of random European hostel friends made. As of this weekend, hostels are my new favorite thing: cheap rooms + free coffee + new places + crazy people with cool accents = yes please!

2 Number of new/pending additions to the good ol’ familia. Pause. Time for an important tangent: my family is amazing!! I just spent two magically rainbow-carpeted days with them. During that time, I met my new sister in law for the first time (she is a peach) and found out my sister is engaged to the most hilarious Guamanian in the world. And so it goes. Time passes. Please turn the page and continue reading as we begin the next chapter of our audio book.

3.5 Number of tearful nostalgic episodes experienced. Having honed the art to perfection over my adolescent years, I am now an expert at these. Here’s what you do:

Step one: block out the cacophony of life that surrounds you with ipod headphones.

Step two: select a playlist of your favorite bittersweet songs. (Anything by Copeland, Coldplay or Imogen Heap works well)

Step three: stare out the window. Any window will do in a pinch, but personally I favor airplanes (Thank you seat numbers 22F and 18D).

Step four: let your thoughts glide luxuriously over the landscape of your life. Try to dwell on your most deliciously sentimental memories.

Step five: if the tears come, feel free to let them flow. It is a cleansing experience. Do not, however, feel bad if the salty tide never comes; everyone’s nostalgic journey is different.

Well, it’s been real friends! More photos are on the way. Until then, adios! Vivan vidas lindas!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

So um yeah....

Yo what up mi amigos!

So sorry for dropping off the face of the earth! The last four days of my life have been pretty freaking insane. Let’s just say I am now an expert on muscling through airport security, smuggling electronics out of the country, and making an idiot out of myself at wedding receptions. More details later.

For now, you’ll just have to settle with a tasty sampling of fotografias. (I will be taking a lot more as the semester goes on. This week I was way too distracted with the whole “Holy crap I’m in Costa Rica” thing to think about my camera. Sorry.)

First day in Costa Rica! This is my friend Amanda. We met in the currency exchange line in the San Jose airport. Neither of us had any idea what we were doing so we joined forces and paid way too much for a taxi to Dennys. You know the rest of the story. By the 7th coffee refill those poor waiters must have been praying for us to freaking move on with our lives

Soccer in the rain! Or, as Jack Johnson might say, “mud futbol”. (Hahaha…ha….). FYI wet grass is un poquito slippery! I still have gnarly bruises from sliding into my gringo friends every 2 minutes.

I love my little baby room! It might be small, but it is all my own. I haven’t had that experience in a while. Also, there are glow in the dark wolves on the ceiling (como se dice AWESOME!?!) and my comforter has lambs on it. I am officially at home.

Later skaters.