Thursday, December 3, 2009

Correr es Vida!

A typical morning in my Costa Rican life: I get up at 5:30 ish, drink some coffee, put a good playlist on the 'pod and run out the door. Distance covered: 7-11 miles; Duration: 50-90 min hours; location: paradise!

Good morning San Ramon!

Diablito!!! I detest this ugly little freak of nature! He always yaps at me and tries to bite my heels when I run by! Not to mention he is also the ugliest little dog I have ever seen haha. There are hundreds of dogs like this in San Ramon, and apparently they all hate runners. I have had some close calls with their little pointy fangs. Plus when they bark its like needles stabbing your ears. Es horrible!

Cows. Que precioso.